Protection of Freedoms Act 2012

Impact of the Bill

This Act has lengthy explanatory notes, and should be read alongside the other Acts to which they cross refer. Our workshops summarise the key topics including:

These are sent out to individuals registered with us as they are produced.

Your chance to contribute

The Protection of Freedoms Bill is likely to be voted through its first and second readings by mid March 2011 and will then move to the committee stage.  It is the first Bill that is being made available online for the public to comment on the different clauses, which is called the “Public Reading Stage”.  This is an important opportunity to raise points on topics such as the availability of disclosures, scope of regulated activity and the level of guidance available.  The website can be found here –  .  Do add your perspectives and practical examples from your experience as this is a very complex area which has been subject to misrepresentation in the media.  Your comments are likely to contribute to the points made by MPs across all parties during the debates and committee stages. 

Response to the criminal records regime changes

There was mixed response to the changes, as the following posts and articles  illustrate, 

Other issues are adding to the complexity of the situation, such as the recent challenge to long term inclusion on the sex offenders register under human rights law, the Royal College of Nursing judicial review of the ISA barring process, and the cuts to regulatory bodies such as the General Teaching Council, Ofsted and CWDC.  Register with us to keep up to date with developments!